Accommodation Rules for Guesthouse Vila Hana, Třeboň
– Accommodation of newly arriving guests from 03:00 p.m.
– The guesthouse will not accommodate guests who are obviously under the influence of alcohol or other psychotropic substances!
– The accommodation rules apply to the temporary accommodation of guests in Guesthouse Vila Hana in Třeboň.
– Guests must be properly registered in the guesthouse. Upon arrival, guests must submit their ID card or other valid identity document to the personnel or authorized employee. Based on this document, the guest will be registered in the guestbook electronically. If the guest is a foreigner, the guesthouse must report the guest at the Foreign Police and ask for his signature.
– After proper registration, the guest will receive one key to the room, a remote control for the gate and a chip card. The chip card is used to open the main entrance to the guesthouse and the room reserved for bicycles.
– Check out is at 10:00 a.m. on the last day of accommodation. If the guest does not check out by the specified time and fails to inform the personnel of a different departure time, the landlord may charge an additional day.
– If the guest requests an extension of his stay, it may be extended if there is available capacity in any of the guesthouse rooms.
– Guests may receive visitors after a mutual agreement with the landlord.
– Guests may contact the landlord at the following number: +420 728 333 428.
– The prices listed on the price list of services provided by the guesthouse include the use of the room and other services (security, parking on the premises, using the bicycle room, garden, outdoor pergola, etc.)
– Guests must pay for their accommodation in accordance with the valid price list of the guesthouse. When booking is made on the day of arrival, the guest shall pay for the accommodation upon his arrival. The payment can be made in cash.
– Guests have access to high-speed wireless Internet throughout the premises of the guesthouse.
– Accommodation in the guesthouse is not permitted to persons who have an infectious disease!
– It is forbidden for guests to move furniture, perform repairs and interfere with the electrical network, including sockets, or perform other installations.
– Guests are not allowed to use their own electrical appliances in the guesthouse, especially in rooms, with the exception of appliances used for personal hygiene and laptops. Smoking is prohibited throughout the guesthouse premises, with the exception of designated places!
– Guests must handle furniture in the room, as well as indoor and outdoor spaces, with care.
– Upon departure, guests must turn off the lights and running water, and carry recyclable material (glass, plastic and paper) to the containers intended for this puprose on the ground floor, or assort it and leave it in the room.
– Guests must return the room key, remote control and chip card to the landlord or an authorized employee.
– The landlord shall charge a financial compensation of 1,000 CZK for the loss of the remote control, 1,500 CZK for the loss of the chip card, and 500 CZK for the loss of the room key.
– If the guest wishes to leave the guesthouse in the early morning hours, he must notify the landlord or an authorized employee of this fact at least one day in advance.
– Guests must observe night quiet from 10:00 p.m. till 6:00 a.m, in consideration of other accommodated guests.
The landlord must provide guests with rooms for accommodation in a condition fit for proper use, and guarantee the uninterrupted exercise of his rights associated with the accommodation.
– The landlord provides the change of bed linens on every seventh day of accommodation, and the change of bathroom linens every third day, along with the removal of the trash can and general cleaning. Bed linens are washed by a selected laundry company. The rest of the laundry is washed by the landlord.
– After a guest checks out, the personnel or landlord disinfect the room, bathroom and toilets with suitable disinfectants.
Final provisions
– The guest is reponsible for damages caused to the property of the guesthouse, under the currently valid Civil Code and other applicable regulations.
– Guests must comply with the provisions of these Accommodation Rules. In the event of a gross breach of these rules by a guest, the landlord is entitled to immediately terminate the stay of this guest or guests.
– The landlord accepts suggestions and ideas to improve the operation of the guesthouse.
– The Accommodation Rules are publicly available for all guests at the reception desk and at, under the Accommodation Rules section.
The Accommodation Rules shall come into force on 14. 12. 2016.
Penzion Vila Hana
Jablonského 476, Třeboň II
Irena Petráková
728 333 428
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